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26134 Problems Notes Costs
Admission date2024-04-11
Final date -
Days in captivity24
SpeciesBADO - Barred owl

Cause of injury: Fell from nest

Body grab only
Carry and weigh in box
Needs live prey test

Found in Winston-Salem,NC
Forsyth county
Here is a summary of this patient's treatments and expenses:

Daily rate2415.40369.60
Fecal exam162.0062.00
Total  551.60

Costs are estimates based on fees charged at a local avian specialist.
Radiographs and images



2024-05-05 17:44 bw

Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 300g 1/2 FL + 1/2 m/ck c/u

Heard clacking when feeding. Did not look into enclosure just tossed food in food

2024-05-05 09:29 FLM/RMB
Weight: 465 grams, Leftovers: 313
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage:150 g 1/2 FL + 142 1/2 m/ck c/u 1/2 (+vit +Ca)
Weigh EOD

All orginal babies were down in weight

Orange was huttled behind door on ground, other two were perched.

Put orange on perch after.

2024-05-04 16:46 MS

Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 227 g 1/2 + 1/2

Did not visualize babies, but heard 3 sets of clacks. Used hatch and camo.

2024-05-04 08:45 cd
Leftovers: 320
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 239 g cut up, 1/2 fl & 1/2 regular TOTAL
Use camo or food hatch

320g LO removed, most of last two meals. One perched, other two sitting in corner
behind door. Dropped food on two different bricks.

2024-05-03 16:22 cd

Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 240 g dk m cut up, 1/2 fl & 1/2 regular (+vit +Ca) TOTAL
Use camo or food hatch

Dropped through food hatch. Some vocalizations and some clacks. Large pile of LO
on bricks, could not collect atm.

2024-05-03 09:50 sc

Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 245 g FL cut up small (+vit +Ca)

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
switch to 1/2 fl & 1/2 regular food and cut up larger

2024-05-03 09:50 sc
Leftovers: 53

MOVED TO:R 10 sm
53 g LO

2024-05-02 16:11 RMB
Leftovers: 102
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 235g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)
TF LO in PM: orange and black ate a few pieces, green refused

2024-05-02 10:51 MS

Group move to: R35c

2024-05-02 10:49 MS
Weight: 482 grams, Leftovers: 31
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 240 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)

All BAR, and clacky when grabbed. 31 g LO. Moved all to R35c and cleaned R35b.
[26134] / green / L / UNK - started eating right away when put in new condo
[26141] / black / L / UNK -
[26142] / orange / L / UNK -


2024-05-01 17:31 cd
Leftovers: 137
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 235 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca) TOTAL
Drop food in AM, TF LO's in PM

Green perched. Black clacking when I opened the door. None interested in tweezer
feeding. Old food had fly eggs on it, removed 137g lo.

2024-05-01 10:11 MS

Group move to: R35b

2024-05-01 10:09 RMB/OA
Leftovers: 121
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 243 FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)

All BAR. Decided to skip weighing and just drop food. TF tonight. 121 g LO in cage.
Moved over to R35b and cleaned R35c. Could hear one of them eating in R35b.

[26134] / green / L / UNK - very curious baby, kept trying to peek over condo door.
Clacky when grabbed.
[26141] / black / L / UNK - Clacky the entire time
[26142] / orange / L / UNK - Perched. Clacky when grabbed.


----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
switch to weigh EOD

2024-04-30 18:11 MS
Leftovers: 131
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 267 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)

All BAR. 131 g LO. TF'd LO's. Dropped prepped food.

[26134] / green / L / UNK - kept trying to flutter back and forth the condo. Flapping
wings. Ate maybe one piece offered by puppet. Started displaying a burrowing behavior?
Baby started scooting body around entire condo and stopped when head bonked into
front corner.
[26141] / black / L / UNK - feisty throughout, refused to interact with puppet. Clacked
at puppet and other babies.
[26142] / orange / L / UNK - Took the most food from puppet, maybe ~7-8 g, then refused.
Cast a pellet shortly after then huddled up to black.

2024-04-30 15:22 sc/me
Weight: 469 grams, Leftovers: 77
Group entry: 3 animals
Food: 239g FL c/u small

Weighed all and cleaned enclosure w/ camo

Switch to FIC in AM and TF LO in PM with new food

2024-04-29 15:49 RMB
Leftovers: 183
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 227g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)
Tweezer feed:
Orange: 38 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)

Orange TF all, Other 2 were not interested.

BAR, 183 g LO

2024-04-29 09:30 me
Weight: 449 grams, Leftovers: 34
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 105 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca) total
Did not Tweezer feed: 97g extra left to see if they will eat on their own
34 g LO

2024-04-28 18:16 bw
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 140 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)
Tweezer feed:
Black: 5 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)
Orange: 35 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)
Green: 0 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)

Green would not tweezer feed. Black only took one bite. Orange ate eagerly. all were
huddled against back wall.

2024-04-28 09:21 RMB
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 31 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca) TOTAL
Tweezer feed:
Green: 30 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca) ALL FIC, ate immediately
Black: 32 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca) Only ate a couple of bites, then stopped
Orange: 31 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)TF and ate really well

False wt of 675 - removed it
Weight was way up on Green, may be wrong, he did eat immediately. If weigh is way
up again tomorrow and Black is down again, may need to seperate Green.

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
Increase Food.

2024-04-27 17:09 MS
Leftovers: 40
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: ~100 g FL c/u small

All BAR. 40 g LO. Flipped towel to clean side.

[26134] / green / L / UNK - Ate ~10 g, then refused the puppet
[26141] / black / L / UNK - Refused to eat, grumpy baby
[26142] / orange / L / UNK - laying in the back. Stood up once puppet came in. Most
eager to eat.

2024-04-27 09:44 bw

Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: ~80 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca) TOTAL
Tweezer feed:
Orange: ~45 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)
Black: ~5g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)
Green: 0g

Green was standing near door and would not TF. Black was standing in the back and
only ate two bites from the tweezer. Orange was very vocal and eager for food. Ate
one serving quickly about half of another one.

2024-04-27 09:26 cd
Weight: 429 grams, Leftovers: 30
Weight change: +7 g (2 %)

2024-04-26 16:06 cd
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 128 FL c/u small (+vit +Ca) TOTAL

Sitting in back corner huddled together. Spread all food out to see if they will
self feed.

2024-04-26 09:26 MS

Group move to: R35c

2024-04-26 09:22 MS
Weight: 422 grams, Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 46 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)
Tweezer feed:
Green: 25 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)
Black: 25 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)
Orange: 25 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)

Grabbed all babies for weighing. All babies ate their entire piles from puppet and
still seemed hungry. Recolored each baby's head. Moved all out to R35c to be with
foster BADO in R35a. NOLO.


2024-04-25 17:28 bw
Leftovers: 10
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 85g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca) TOTAL
Tweezer feed:
Green: 5g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)
Black:0 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)
Orange: 10 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)

All babies were not very interested in eating. Black walked away whn presented food.
After trying several times decided to just leave all FIC.
10g LO-very dry

2024-04-25 09:20 me
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 88 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca) TOTAL
Tweezer feed:
Green: 30 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)
Black: 17 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca) then not interested
Orange: 30 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)

2024-04-24 16:32 cd
Leftovers: 27
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 25 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca) TOTAL
Tweezer feed:
Green: ~8 of 27 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)
Black: ~5 of 27 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)
Orange: ~5 of 28 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)

All resting in back. None of them were too interested in tweezer feeding, so left
most of it IC. 27g lo removed from midday.

2024-04-24 13:11 cd
Leftovers: 17
Group entry: 3 animals
Tweezer feed:
Green: ~13 of 25 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)
Black: ~10 of 26 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)
Orange: ~16 of 28 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)

Orange sitting in front, green and black sitting at back of kennel. Fed orange first
and green started walking forward a little. All ate around half their prepped meal.
removed 17g LO and left rest of TF in separate piles close to respective babies.

2024-04-24 11:26 MS

Group entry: 3 animals

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
switch to BID starting tonight

2024-04-24 09:20 MS
Weight: 404 grams, Leftovers: 27
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 32 g FL c/u (+vit +Ca)
Tweezer feed:
Green: 17 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)
Black: 21 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)
Orange: 25 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)

All BAR, vocal. Re-colored black's head. Orange was in the back, but after pushing
to the front, was very eager to eat. 27 g dried out LO's. Changed paper and towels.

2024-04-23 18:08 bw

Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 37 g FL c/u (+vit +Ca + LOs
Tweezer feed:
Green: 5 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)
Black: 20g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)
Orange: 22g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)

Black was more eager to TF. Green started self feeding when I was using puppet to
feed others.
Decent amount of LOs present but none looked gross. Added a bit of water and left
it in the kennel to eat overnight

2024-04-23 12:59 bw

Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 50 g FL c/u (+vit +Ca) TOTAL
Tweezer feed:
Green: 10 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)
Black: 0g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)
Orange: 20 g FL c/u small (+vit +Ca)

Black stayed in back of kennel and clacked. Black muted once.Green TF about half
of food and Orange TF very well.
LOs were present but about half of it looked eated.
Placed food near back of kennel where black was standing

2024-04-23 09:30 MS

Band changed to: green

2024-04-23 09:22 MS
Weight: 387 grams, Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Prepped a total of 164g FL c/u small. Tweezer fed all that each bird would eat. Green
didn't eat very much (3 bites) but green and orange ate well. Left food in 3 piles
in kennel

Changed pink to green
Increase food amount total

2024-04-22 17:31 bw
Leftovers: 9
Food: 28 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca) Use camo and puppet
Tweezer feed: 8 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca), Use puppet, Use camo

Alert and standing. Facing back of incubator most of the time

2024-04-22 13:19 bw

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
Switch TF and FIC amounts
showing less interesting in TF and is self feeding

2024-04-22 13:18 bw

Food: 17g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca) Use camo and puppet
Tweezer feed: 10g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca), Use puppet, Use camo

Not super interested in tweezer feeding. Some LOs present.
Standing on rim of nest

2024-04-22 08:45 me
Weight: 383 grams, Leftovers: 5
Weight change: +18 g (5 %)
Food: ~ 28 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca) Use camo and puppet
Tweezer feed: only took ~ 5 grams FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca), Use puppet, Use camo
5 g LO

2024-04-21 17:54 bw
Leftovers: 11
Food: 30g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca) Use camo and puppet
Tweezer feed: 12 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca), Use puppet, Use camo

Only TF a few bites but then was not interested. Was sleeping when I approached. Baby did bite at puppets mouth to try to get food at first.
11g of LO

2024-04-21 13:28 bw

Food: 21g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca) Use camo and puppet
Tweezer feed: ~10 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca), Use puppet, Use camo

One piece of LOs present. Baby was not very interested in tweezer feeding. Left most of food in incubator

2024-04-21 09:19 cd
Leftovers: 3
Food: ~14 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca) Use camo and puppet
Tweezer feed: ~20 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca), Use puppet, Use camo

Vocal, standing in corner on rim of bowl nest. Ate about 2/3 of TF, left about 14g IC total. 3g LO removed. Baby can probably be moved into a kennel w/o nest tomorrow; has spent more time on edge of nest than in

2024-04-21 08:05 cd
Weight: 365 grams
Weight change: +35 g (11 %)

2024-04-20 16:46 MS
Leftovers: 9
Food: 35 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca) Use camo and puppet

BAR, vocal. Refused to puppet feed, but was done late at midday, so not surprised. Grabbed to clean off hocks and vent area because baby sat in mutes. 9 g LO.

2024-04-20 14:42 cd
Leftovers: 6
Food: 9 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca) Use camo and puppet
Tweezer feed: 29 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca), Use puppet, Use camo

Standing on back rim of bowl nest. Vocalized and turned to puppet when introduced. Ate very well, all of TF. Left rest on rim of nest. 6g LO removed.

2024-04-20 09:40 bw
Leftovers: 10
Food: 8 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca) Use camo and puppet
Tweezer feed: 28g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca), Use puppet, Use camo

Alert and vocal. Very eager to eat. Responded well to puppet

2024-04-20 09:06 cd
Weight: 330 grams
Weight change: +5 g (2 %)

2024-04-19 17:20 MS
Leftovers: 18
Food: 17 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca) Use camo and puppet
Tweezer feed: 16 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca), Use puppet, Use camo

BAR, vocal. Clacky when grabbed to change towel. Ate most of prepped TF, dropped the rest. 18 g LO.

2024-04-19 13:47 cd
Leftovers: 7
Food: 23 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca) Use camo and puppet
Tweezer feed: 11 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca), Use puppet, Use camo

Vocal to puppet. Ate almost half of tf then refused. Left rest ic. 7g LO removed

2024-04-19 09:00 ME
Weight: 325 grams, Leftovers: 26
Weight change: +13 g (4 %)
Food: 11 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca) Use camo and puppet
Tweezer feed: 27 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca), Use puppet, Use camo
26 g LO

2024-04-18 17:53 bw
Leftovers: 5
Food: 35g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca) Use camo and puppet
Tweezer feed:5 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca), Use puppet, Use camo

Baby was laying asleep face down in pile of food. Was not interested in tweezer feeding and could only get them to eat one bite. Since baby was standing on food platform, i placed a new towel in to put PM food on

5g dried LO

2024-04-18 13:49 bw

Food: LOs
Tweezer feed: 26g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca), Use puppet, Use camo

Several LOs in incubator. Vocal and bit at puppets mouth at first. Then started to lose interest in puppet. Attempted to use puppet to block sight of me when feeding the rest of the food.

2024-04-18 09:00 MS
Weight: 312 grams, Leftovers: 14
Weight change: +2 g (1 %)
Food: 32 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca) Use camo and puppet
Tweezer feed: 13 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca), Use puppet, Use camo

BAR, vocal to me. Got quiet when puppet came out for feeding then started vocalizing to it. Didn't TF much. Started clacking at puppet when I set it against the incubator. 14 g dried out LO's under towel.

2024-04-17 17:17 cd
Leftovers: 21
Food: ~19g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca)
Tweezer feed: ~15g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca)

Very eager to eat at first but slowed down very quickly. 21g LO untouched to side of nest. Left new food on platform in nest.

2024-04-17 14:45 MS

Collection date2024-04-17

2024-04-17 12:30 cd
Leftovers: 9
Food: 34 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca) Use camo and puppet
Tweezer feed: 12 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca) (LO)

Ate about half of LO, ~12g, then refused. left all prepped TF/FIC in with. Vocal to puppet.

2024-04-17 09:21 MS
Weight: 310 grams, Leftovers: 0
Weight change: +40 g (15 %)
Food: 21 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca) Use camo and puppet
Tweezer feed: 19 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca), Use puppet, Use camo
Collected fecal

BAR, vocal. Go quiet once adult BADO sounds were played, which seems odd. Responsive to puppet. Didn't eat all of prepped TF, so dropped rest. NOLO. Changed towels.

2024-04-16 19:19 bw
Leftovers: 5
Food: 7g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca) Use camo and puppet
Tweezer feed: 27g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca), Use puppet, Use camo

Vocal and started to bite at puppets beak. Ate readily. 5g of dried LO

2024-04-16 12:50 me

Food: 11 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca) Use camo and puppet
Tweezer feed: 24 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca), Use puppet, Use camo
some lo - TF some of it

2024-04-16 08:30 sc
Weight: 270 grams, Leftovers: 4
Weight change: +6 g (2 %)
Food: 9 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca) Use camo and puppet
Tweezer feed: 24 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca), Use puppet, Use camo

BAR with little LO. Eager to tweezer feed in the beginning and quick to slow down. Only TF about 19 g and the rest were left as a part of FIC.

2024-04-15 18:17 bw

Food: 11g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca) Use camo and puppet
Tweezer feed: 20g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca), Use puppet, Use camo

Baby was very vocal and innitially very interested in food but then took a while to get to eat. Eventually at 20 g

2024-04-15 12:52 bw

FIC: all LOs from AM
Tweezer feed: 9g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca), Use puppet, Use camo

Baby was not super interested in food. I could only get baby to eat 9g with tweezers. Looked like all food left in incubator was untouched so just left it there.

2024-04-15 08:45 me
Weight: 264 grams, Leftovers: 0
Weight change: +35 g (15 %)
Food: 24 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca) Use camo and puppet
Tweezer feed: would only take 15 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca), Use puppet, Use camo
left rest of TF in cage --> 24 g in cage

2024-04-14 18:00 BW

Food: 11g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca) Use camo and puppet
Tweezer feed: 32 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca), Use puppet, Use camo

When I walked in the larger baby was standing on Pink's face and pressing it into the towel and only stepped away when I went to open the incubator door. Due to this I moved 26132 out of the incubator.

Pink initially was not very interested in eating but after a few minutes ate all food.

2024-04-14 14:32 bw
Leftovers: 5
Group entry: 2 animals
Tweezer feed:
Pink 29g FL
No Color 15g FL
FIC: 32g FL c/u Total

No color lost interest in tweezer feeding after a few bites. Left the rest of prepared
food in incubator. Pink very eager to eat and responsive to puppet
Very little LOs

2024-04-14 08:20 cd
Weight: 229 grams, Leftovers: 0
Food: 8 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca) Use camo and puppet
Tweezer feed: 27 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca), Use puppet, Use camo
Almost NOLO
Weight change: +20 g (10 %)

2024-04-13 17:50 MS
Leftovers: 25
Food: ~63 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca) Use camo and puppet
Tweezer feed: ~13 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca), Use puppet, Use camo

BAR, vocal throughout. Changed towels and gave a new nest. Very responsive to puppet. Was preening himself and older baby. 25 g total LO's in incubator.

2024-04-13 15:23 bw

Tweezer feed: 24g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca), Use puppet, Use camo

Very eager to eat. Vocal and responsive to puppet. Did try to bite roommate a few times

2024-04-13 13:27 bw

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
increased tweezer feed

2024-04-13 10:28 bw

Group entry: 2 animals
Pink Tweezer fed: 30g FL
No color Tweezer fed: 33g FL

FIC:10g FL

No Color was laying on top of pink and they were both sleeping when I entered. Pink
was very eager for food and ate all tweezer feed + FIC for him.
No color was less eager for food but still ate all prepared. Wing was still drooping

2024-04-13 08:33 cd
Weight: 209 grams
Weight change: +29 g (16 %)
Small pile of old LO buried beneath towels, removed

2024-04-12 17:47 cd
Leftovers: 10
Food: ~36 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca) TOTAL for cage
Tweezer feed: ~24 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca), Use puppet, Use camo

GFR, vocal. Out of bowl nest. At end of feeding 132 walked closer to pink and pink huddled up partially under him and went to sleep. 10g LO total for cage.

2024-04-12 13:27 cd/sc

Group entry: 2 animals
FIC: 20g FL split into two piles
132 TF: ~10g, refused any more
Pink TF: ~15g, refused any more

SC tried at 1pm - pink ate a good amount but 132 refused most. I tried again at 1:30
and was able to feed a few more bites to each before they both refused. Moved pink
to a smaller nest bowl so 132 can have more space to walk outside of nest.

2024-04-12 10:24 Ao
Weight: 180 grams, Leftovers: 0
Weight change: +28 g (18 %)
Food: 11 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca) Use camo and puppet
Tweezer feed: 36 g FL c/u small (+ vit + Ca), Use puppet, Use camo

BAR. Very vocal when awake but after Tw feed, bird was sleepy and quiet but still eating food. Did not finish FIC which was left in enclosure (4 gs). NOLO and weight increased.

2024-04-11 17:31 bw

Group entry: 2 animals
Pink tweezer fed 35g FL
No color: 17g FL
Meloxicam: 0.10cc PO
Tramadol: 0.14cc PO
FIC about 35g FL

Pink was very eager for food and ate all TF food quickly. Big baby was not interested
in eating. Had to present food several times and was finally able to get to eat the
few pieces that the meds were placed on.
A lot of LOS

2024-04-11 13:35 bw

Group entry: 2 animals
Pink: Tweezer fed 14g FL c/u small
No color: Tweezer fed 13g FL c/u

FIC from AM was untouched just added 12 g FL

No color was perched in corner and was very vocal. Not very interested in eating
Pink was in center of nest and vocal

2024-04-11 11:00 MS

Band changed to: pink

2024-04-11 11:00 MS
Weight: 152 grams
Baby reportedly fell from nest, but tree was too rotted to renest. SC performed physical examination with NSF. Set up in KR1 kennel with 26132. Baby was TF all FIC and some of the new prepped food (20 g FL, cut up tiny).

Version 3.2.0 - 3.18.67 Sun May 05 19:48:44 2024